What to Expect

What to Expect


We have a staffed nursery for children under 2, and private area for nursing mothers.  If you would like to leave your child in the nursery and return to worship, you will be given a pager so that the nursery staff can contact you if they need to.  We also have a room set aside for those over two years of age who just can’t make it through the service, however it is unattended and you will need to stay with them.


From the moment you walk through the front doors on Sunday morning, we believe that you will find Central to be a very warm, loving and accepting place.  We like to think of ourselves as Family.  You will notice that some are wearing suits, some slacks and a shirt and some jeans.  Some ladies will have on a dress or skirt, others will be wearing pants.  The bottom line is that as long as you are dressed decently no one will notice what you are wearing.  We pride ourselves in focusing on what is on the inside, not on what you are wearing.  We are here to worship God and not have a fashion show.


Please join us in the auditorium at 9:00 for our morning worship service.  You will notice that our worship in song is conducted a cappella  (Latin for “in the manner of the church,” or “without instrumental accompaniment”), so feel free to join in on the songs you know.

Lord’s Supper

After a few songs, a reading from the Word and a prayer we will begin our preparation to partake of the Lord’s Supper.  We do this every Sunday as a part of our worship to remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior.  We serve an “open communion” which means that the trays will be passed along the aisles for all who consider themselves Christians and in fellowship with Jesus to partake.  The emblems represent the broken body of the Savior and his blood that was shed for our sins.


As a matter of convenience, after the Lord’s Supper we take up a free will offering.  This is done as an act of worship and for the sake of carrying on the mission of the Lord’s church.  As a visitor you are welcome to participate or to abstain as you see fit.


Every Sunday our “preacher” presents a lesson from the Word.  The messages are typically about 25 minutes in length and relevant to what is going on in our lives and in the world today.  They are intended to help us know Jesus and how we can better live for him.


Our service concludes with a heartfelt challenge from one of our Shepherds (church leaders), a song and a prayer.  We hope that you will stick around for a few minutes after the prayer and let us get to know you better.  Our typical worship service lasts for an hour to an hour and 15 minutes.